'Annotated' column indicates the number of genes in the genome that belong to the respective GO term, which is used to calculate the 'Expected' number of genes of the GO term in the cluster. The 'Significant' column indicates the observed number of genes in the cluster that belong to the respective GO term.
Gene Tables:
Include the BLAST, OrthoFinder and consensus network results
Expression Tables:
Include the gene expression values (TPM)
Sample Tables:
Include the sample description
Red raspberry (Rubus idaeus) genome files:
Include the genome assembly FASTA file, genome annotation GFF file, transcript FASTA file, and protein FASTA file
The genomes of the four Rosaceae species can be found in GDR: Prunus persica v2.0.a1 , Malus domestica GDDH13 v1.1 , Fragaria vesca v4.0.a2 , and Rubus idaeus Joan J Genome v2.0
Orthogroup Table:
Include the ortholog information from 6 species (peach, apple, strawberry, red raspberry, black raspberry, and arabidopsis). All the data on the website are from red raspberry. Black raspberry is only used to help with the ortholog identification by OrthoFinder.
Q & A
1. What reference transcriptomes were used for gene expression quantification?
RNA-Seq data of the four Rosaceae species were mapped against Prunus persica v2.0.a1 , Malus domestica GDDH13 v1.1 , Fragaria vesca v4.0.a2 , and Rubus idaeus Joan J Genome v2.0 reference transcriptomes.
How-To Videos
1. How to identify the Rosaceae orthologs of an Arabidopsis gene?
Please cite the following reference if you use the ROFT database
The RNA-Seq data were collected from the following papers
Other recent related papers
Lab: (301) 405-7927
Liu Office: (301) 405-1586
Fax: (301) 314-9082
Mailing Address
0229 Bioscience Research Building
(Building # 413)
Dept. of Cell Biology & Molecular Genetics
University of Maryland
College Park, MD 20742